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Freeze-dried pineapple

Sweet pineapple with a unique aroma is a favorite of adults and children. It strengthens the immune system, the nervous system and the heart function, and removes toxins. It’s a natural antidepressant that instantly lifts your spirits.

  • Vitamins: A, B5, B9, C, E, K. Minerals: Ca, P, Cu, Mn, Fe, Zn, K, Mg.
  • NET WEIGHT: 40g

One green apple per day – and you will forever forget about visiting a doctor.

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Freeze-dried pineapple

Let our fruit take you to a tropical paradise! It’s very simple, just try our healthy and delicious freeze-dried pineapple. Aroma, taste, nutritional value – thanks to freeze-drying, all this is still available in our foodstuff. Besides, chips can be stored for up to 2 years in a dry place protected from direct sunlight.

Pineapple slices are perfect for fruit salads, porridge’s and can even turn ordinary water into a chic cocktail. Sweet chips are especially popular with children, and it is difficult to imagine a better and healthier alternative to sweets and chocolate bars.

Try in combo

Strawberries and bananas are a perfect match to freeze-dried pineapples, and you can buy all these fruits at our store at the lowest price.

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we create delicious for you
Quitte getrocknet, vor dem Trocknen in feine Scheiben geschnitten entwickelt sie ein besonders feines, herb-säuerliches Aroma, das seinesgleichen sucht. Eignet sich bestens für feine Backwaren, Desserts und Müslis.
Trockene Pflaume mit Unterschiedliche Luftfeuchtigkeit
Freeze-dried berry mix
You get plums, strawberries, raspberries and apricots in one package. It looks like a perfect mix for breakfast.
Freeze-dried exotic mix
We have prepared a perfect blend for fans of tropical fruits, freeze-dried exotic fruits. Mango, pineapple, melon and banana, all in the form of a crunchy snack.
Freeze-dried raspberries
We are proud to offer you our novelty, freeze-dried raspberries. 100% natural and healthy snacks made in Germany will undoubtedly surprise you with their taste. We call it quite simply – "love from the first bite".
Freeze-dried strawberries
Freeze-dried strawberries are mainly used for making cakes, desserts and cookies, as well as jams. Chips are so diverse that they can enhance just about any food and drink.
Freeze-dried Melon
Undoubtedly, we say that our freeze-dried melon is a super-food. Compared to the other fruits, it contains a lot of vitamin C and fewer calories and carbohydrates, so it can even facilitate weight loss.
Freeze-dried Apricot
Even on the coldest winter day, you can enjoy the warmth of summer again, and all you need are a few slices of our freeze-dried apricots.
Freeze-dried Banana
Bananas are a good source of soluble fiber, which helps lower cholesterol. When you feel exhausted and tired, no other product will keep you energized for long. Moreover, bananas help remove excess fluid from the body.
Dried Mango
Mango chips
Green Apple
Red Apple
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